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This Sunday is the last day to bring in supplies for the back pack drive. Did you see what's going on at Community enCompass?

In the Summer Blockbuster series, we've been looking at flipping the script to live our best life. What's the script of your life? Are you living a good story? Would you watch a movie about

This Sunday is our end of summer baptisms in Lake Michigan

Bring in your back packs and school supplies this week to help kids in need

Matt Lewis and I (and our families and a small group of other Jesus-followers) started The Journey almost 10 years ago.

Julie and Adam started attending The Journey a number of years ago and they both worked as teachers in our public schools. Julie has her Master's Degree, and took a big pay cut to come join The Journey staff (kind of a theme around here).

So we provide a fun, relevant, meaningful, safe environment for people no matter where they are with God. This series is a great one to invite someone...

It's that time of year again...our annual back pack school supply drive!

Selena first came to The Journey because their son was asking questions about God and she and her husband, Greg, weren't really sure how to answer! I love that she has a very unique perspective on children's ministry...

If you didn't get the summer newsletter...