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Highlights from the Journey Kids summer bucket list 2020.

Next Sunday - August 9 - we will have Church on the Lawn. Here's a few guidelines

Here's an update from the Berry Family

Here's everything you need for Church Online for Sunday and this week ahead

At-home Journey Kids resources for the week of July 26, 2020.

Here's the results of the survey and some reopening details

If you're thinking about getting baptized, here's some details.

You can play a part in our August series

Everything you need to know for this week

At-home Journey Kids resources for the week of July 19, 2020.

Here's something special for this this Summer for Kids & Family

At-home Journey Kids resources for the week of July 12, 2020.

Here's all the details for church this week

Prompts for sharing a meaningful faith moment at home. July 8, 2020.

We are in a new series called Parables. These are short stories with big sessions that Jesus told to illustrated our relationship with God. They can be confusing so how do I read the Parables?

Prayer for our Nation

At-home Journey Kids resources for the week of July 5, 2020.

Here's all the details for this week & follow up from Sunday