We believe that the Bible is inspired by God, is without error in its original writings, and that it gives us clear direction for faith and life. We also believe in one God. He is the Creator. And, is perfect and eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit (those three are often times called the Trinity).
We believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. That Jesus came to earth to save mankind. He died on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins, but he didn't stay dead. He rose again from the dead, went back to heaven, and is now alive. We believe that Jesus led a sinless life and intercedes on our behalf, and that He will return to earth, personally and visibly. We believe that God's Spirit works to convict us of sin, changes those who seek to follow Jesus, guides, instructs and empowers people to live relationally with and for God.
We believe that all people were created in God's image and are dearly loved and matter to God, but mankind fell into sin. We, therefore, are separated from God and in need of a Savior and to be made right with God. That only happens when we seek forgiveness for our sins, and embrace what Jesus did on the cross (taking our punishment) by receiving that gift of salvation that He offers. It is solely about His grace, and not about anything we can do to earn His favor. We believe that Jesus will come again someday to make everything right and for those who have received Him and His work on the cross, we will spend eternity with God.
We believe that the church, locally and universally, consists of all those who acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord. Its members are to work together in love and unity, intent on accomplishing the Church’s primary mission of glorifying God and bringing the good news of relationship with Jesus to the world around them.