Explore the resources below and be sure to follow us on social media. Follow "jkidsfam" on Instagram and "Journey Kids Parents" on Facebook to receive encouragement throughout the week. 


Download the Parent Cue App and have access to practical resources on your phone or tablet. This app will give you ideas to make the most of the time you already have with your kids: in the car, around the dinner table, bedtime, or when you are just hanging out. It also directly reinforces what was taught in Journey Kids on Sunday morning. Download it here for FREE.

Resource Parent Cue App Resource Parent Cue Blog Resource Parent Cue Podcast


Do you ever feel like you finally figure out how to parent you child and then they move into a new phase and you find yourself again wondering what's the best way to approach them? Phase Guides simplify what parents need to know about each phase of a kid’s life and give them the opportunity to discover more about their children so they can make the most of every phase from birth to graduation.


Check out the Bible App & the Bible App for Kids. A great place for preteens to start is by engaging with the daily Bible verse. There are also reading plans for kids, teens, and families. We also have hard copy Kids' Bibles for sale at church each Sunday at the Kids' Check-in Desk.

Resource Bible App for Kids Resource Bible App