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An ancient practice to bring rest to our soul

Here's our prayer guide to ask God to work in and through our lives and our church,

This October, we are looking at the next phase of our church as we INCREASE THE IMPACT

How can I build mental strength to face the challenges in life and not be overwhelmed.

Please, Thanks, No, Sorry

We can often feel weird or scary to talk about God, but maybe we can take steps to make it a normal part of our conversation.

All the details for this month at Journey Church

Our tongue has the power of life & death.

Wisdom for our friendships from Proverbs

What can we do to build a lasting relationship?

Some life advice to fix our finances

We see the story of Zechariah in Luke 1 leading us into the Christmas story. We see God work wonders in his life and maybe we can experience the same thing.

All the details for this month

Some thoughts from Romans 6

Life can leave us facing hardship or feeling empty. We can wonder where is God in the middle of the struggle. So how do we find hope?

Have you ever tried reading the Bible and it just didn't make sense?

November Events & a Financial Update

If I want to talk to someone about God or invite them to church, how do I do that without being weird? 1 Peter 3:15 gives us some insight.

We are going to the next level of impact.

Praying for our mission

Here's the results of the survey and some reopening details

You can play a part in our August series

We are in a new series called Parables. These are short stories with big sessions that Jesus told to illustrated our relationship with God. They can be confusing so how do I read the Parables?

Prayer for our Nation

Here's an update for reopening & a guide for group watch parties

Here's all the details for opportunities this week.

What's gonna happen at church?

Here's our prayer focus for the week

This week we're asking everyone at church to look beyond themselves to spread kindness & share hope.

Details for this week and resources to go along with the weekend.

Distancing doesn't mean Disconnected

Request help in this uncertain time

Katie gives a few tips to help in this uncertain time

Tools, Resources and Info to go with our church online experience

Tonight & Tomorrow

Online Update

Digital Church for this week

Is your mind overwhelmed? How can I shift to faith over fear?

Resources for this week to go along with Church Online


What do you think would happen if you read the Bible at least 4 days a week?

How can I grow in my relationship with Jesus?

We are bringing back one of our favorite series

We will be featuring this song all month

Let's give the gift of Hope to kids in Vegas

Part of our 2019 Hope Christmas Project will go to support Ben & Esther Berry

Let's spread kindness along the lakeshores this Christmas

Give the gift of hope

Deep Discount this Month

Listen to our new featured song

Make the most of this year


As You Find Me by Hillsong United

Day Camp was Amazing!

We have a great partnership with Winning at Home

This song connects with our June series

Partnership is a way for us to commit to being a part of...

Here's a little tour of the construction

Winter Retreat at Center Lake January 25-27

Every year we look to give the gift of HOPE

Here's a video tour


It's our 15h birthday today

How did we impact our community this month?

Why do the teens look blue and pink?

Thanks to everyone who helped & donated. Watch the highlight video

This is what the new feature song sounds like

This Sunday it's back to church

On August 26 we baptized 13 people, here's their stories

Here's a few pictures of our new place

Here's some featured music from this past series

New series starting this Sunday

Each week there's resources to follow up the Sunday message

Here's the Bible Reading Plan for this month

Here's some great resources to help you read the Bible

Have you felt like the Bible is hard to understand?

Here's the stories from Sunday

Why were Paul and Matt wearing the same shirt on Sunday?

The need is real. The impact is huge.

We're doing baptisms at the beach again this summer

Here's an update from Sunday

This is a key next step

Update from a church we helped launch

Here's a review from our Journey moment at Pontaluna Exit site on Sunday

Words that can shape your life

This past Sunday we had Child Dedication and talked about some resources for parents to invest in their kids.

Here's a reading plan to kick off the series

a one year commitment to join together for God to do more in & through you

If you missed the JAAC's this past Sunday, you can eat any of the pig roast, but here's an update.

If you haven't seen him, don't bug him...

Where is our new home?

Here's a few videos to go along with our current series

Tickets on sale for this family friendly event

Make sure you don't miss this annual party

Here's some tools and resources to go with our God on Trial series.

Here's a great opportunity to have fun and connect with God

Beginnings Class is starting soon

Starting this Sunday

We're planning this event for next month on Mother's Day

Our new feature song sounds like this

7 Day reading plan leading up to Easter

In one week, it's Good Friday

We are a week and a half from Easter Sunday

This past Sunday we had an update about one of our Strategic Partners

All Church Skate Party

Can you beat Matt?

Our March series begins this week

Here's what our new feature song sounds like

Have you seen these articles?

here's the video from Sunday

This new resources has been a big hit with parents

I hear this questions from parents a lot. I think it's one of the biggest challenges.

Videos from church

Chip & Jo back again but what does God's blueprints mean for them?

My kid keeps changing. How do I build faith now?

A new series about renovating our lives and building strong families

This past Sunday we talked about building a foundation for our kids to experience their best life ahead. How?

Considering being part of the team but don't know where to serve?

How do I build a foundation in my teen?

Bible Plans for all aspects of relationships and family

What do you do now? How do I parent at each phase?

Fixer Upper Starts this Sunday

Nick Foles was just names MVP of the Super Bowl

This is a huge question of parents

Here's our winners

This weeks readings that go along with our current series

The average American has credit card debt and spends this much

Super Sunday is coming

Devotionals and Bible Readings for this week

This month in JOURNEY KIDS

Parenting isn't easy but here's 3 things you can do be better parent today

Mark vs. Braden. Who will win?

Bible Readings and Devotionals for this week

January Prize drawing registration this Sunday

Night Class starting this month

Monday Night

We are doing a month long devotional and Bible reading with our current series to kick off the new year.

The new feature song sounds like this:

Ben and Esther are back in Kenya ready to make an impact again!

We challenged everyone at church on Sunday to join together to connect with God in the new year.

Videos, Bible Reading Plan and Recap

Our services start Thursday night

This Sunday is Christmas. Take some time to reflect on the birth of Jesus

In all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, how do we find moments to have a meaningful Christmas?

Isn't Christmas about peace & hope?

Christmas at The Journey

How will you bring hope?

Here's a preview for Journey Kids

This Sunday we will have a chance to sponsor kids through Compassion. Here's why

This Sunday is Compassion Sunday. Here's a sneak peak for Sunday & Paul's recent trip to Peru.

Give the gift of HOPE

Tomorrow is giving Tuesday. So let's bring hope!

A big thanks to everyone who helped impact our community.

You know that moment when you sit around the table as a family and say what you're thankful for?

Pocketful of Faith

Here's something important that might not be on your shopping list for Turkey Day

Thanks to everyone who came out the the Network Yard Ambush this past weekend.

In our staff meeting, we asked this questions this week. Why?

Paul isn't even in our hemisphere right now. He's on a Compassion tour.

Preview of Journey Teens

Do you find that thought bubble about your head saying things like "that would never happen when I was a kid!"?

What could you do in 2 hours?

We kicked off the series extraORDINARY Fatih this past Sunday with the life of Elisha

It's that time of year to begin our Hope Christmas Project

Here's a look at our new song for November

The new series that will help you experience your best life

We had a successful trunk or treat on Halloween

This is one of the biggest questions we face

Our Journey Kids class are so fun but they are actually doing age appropriate learning to build a foundation for kids to experience their best life.

Need some tools and tips to help you take steps?

Can I find meaning in the mess?

Want to do something fun but need a few ideas?

Groups are all about doing life together. So how are people experiencing that?

A reality show about Verve Church?

What does a Journey Group look like?

Have you found yourself wrestling with questions during this current series?

What if you could have a few people to help you through life?

Here's Vince's ABC's of who God loves

More books for Sunday

Join with us to pray

Here's a sneak peak into our new series

A new series coming in October. Here's a little thought from Vince

We're kicking off the new series this Sunday. This gives you an insight into the series, a glimpse into Verve Church and a look at Vince's

These stories will inspire you

Every year we look to help local kids and look what happened this year

Over the next two weeks, we're praying for God to do big things

Tailgate Party this Sunday

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Harvey

July 2 at Perl Marquette Beach

This Sunday we will be meeting at the beach...

We have a new series starting this Sunday

Where's Matt?

Here's some updates from how we are expanding with our strategic partners

Here's our new feature song

APRIL 16: Easter Sunday

Here's some follow up from our current series

Here's some ALL IN updates with our Strategic Partners

We are planning the return of one of our favorite series - MY STORY


Great are You Lord

Here's an update for our ALL IN expansion

Our new February series

Sign up now for the next dedication.

a great way to follow up our last series...and there's prizes!

A new Journey Night Class starting next month

Here's some resources to help you make the most of this new habit

Here's the past two weeks of messages from our REHAB [IT] series

Class #1: Financial Peace University

Follow us

A new song for a new focus in the new year

Focus for the New Year

This past Sunday we shared some thoughts and resources for 2017

We will host our Christmas services that will include family-friendly fun and some meaning moments


More insight into Isaiah

Looking to build a foundation in your kids?

How can I be all in on inviting

Make the holiday meaningful and make an impact this Christmas

Thanks so much for your commitment to ALL IN

Every Christmas we have an opportunity to bringing hope, joy & love to people. Here's your chance to make an impact and have a meaningful Christmas

You don't want to be that person how forgot about this

Here's the new song we'll be featuring

The next phase of our church

Yup Vince got a tattoo while at church

Interview with Trump and Hillary

back to 9:30 & 11:00 am for fall kickoff this Sunday

All this month, we are looking at Proverbs

September Featured Song

Meet our new campus pastor for our Northside site

Let's help kids in our community

Network Kickball Battle: August 14

We just began a new series about the Bible

Here's some ideas to help you pray

2 Prayer Apps

Get your tickets this month

make the most of this week

Here's a bible reading plan for Holy week leading up to Easter Sunday this week

Here's a quick update from our Hope Christmas Project

We sent out this all-church update letter last week

Here's some thoughts about our building transition for the North site

We are currently exploring a building option for our North site

Resources to help you in the new year...

A new focus for the new year

Take some time this week to focus on Christ at Christmas

Feeling stuck in life? Now what?

Christmas at The Journey: Details & Tickets

Some inspirational thoughts to find joy this holiday season

Here's a update and some more details on the aspects of our Hope Christmas Project

Every year we look be bring hope at Christmas

With all the chaos in the world, life can have a sense of uncertainty.

We are a great weekend ahead...don't miss this opportunities!

We have a great month planned. Here's a few highlights of what's ahead

More thoughts, stories and resources with our current series...

Read this...look at the longings

An update from Ben and Esther in Kenya

Thanks to everyone who let God work in & through them resulting in a big impact this September!

Did you ever have the coach that ask you, "What does T.E.A.M. stand for?"

Don't miss this Sunday

Thanks to everyone who donated school supplies

We have struggles and the world seems broken so how do we live with hope?

Above all else

1st Ever Network Kickball Champions

Kickball on August 9

Here's a recap of some thoughts with our Love Can series

What a movie life? Maybe it's time to flip the script.

Let's move love from thought to action because LOVE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING

This summer we have some specific steps for God to work in our lives & our church.

Summer has been fun so far at The Journey with all kinds of great things happening!

We’ve been working through the book of Colossians in the Rise Above the Chaos series. In Chapter 3 we looked at walking in new ways. God loves us for who we are and all of our mess


We asked the question in the series, RISE ABOVE THE CHAOS, revolving around what is influencing your life

What do you think would happen if our whole church prayed these prayers each day?

3 Prayers for our church & our lives

This Sunday is a big day at church

We will be selling tickets this month to unity festival

Today is Star Wars Day...May the 4th be with you.

Here's our quarterly financial update

Do you want God to do big things in & through you?

Here's a simple prayer that can change your perspective.

In this new series, we're talking about finding the masterpiece in you and not letting the mud define you

Aaron's story and song on moving from guilt and worry, feeling dirty and left out, to seeing past the mud.

Please read this if you missed our annual review

3 Way to help own the mission and live it out this Easter Week

Over the last month we've looked at the shadow of Jesus throughout the Bible. Here's some videos to review the series and some reading plans for this Holy Week/Passion Week leading to Easter.

Easter Sunday: April 5

Here's a few videos from the JAAC's this past week

The Bible isn't a series of unrelated stories; it's one narrative.

When we face the challenges of life, how can we find joy instead of sorrow.

The Journey Annual Awards & Celebration is our annual party

Whenever I pick out a greeting card, I notice it takes me a lot less time than most women I see in the store. I figure a greeting card is going to be in the ball park but what I write in the card is probably going to be more meaningful and accurate. What if your only expression of communication was greeting cards? Do you think that would make a good connection? Probably not. Do you have a greeting card type of relationship with God?

Details for our new series

How do I help my kids learn about the Bible and build God's values in their lives?

Want more family insight?

How do we prepared our kids to succeed in the future?

Here's 4 little words with some small changes that could bring huge results for your family.

Here's some helpful resources to help form a vision for the future for you and your family

If we're going to build our dream home, it has to begin with

So if I need a blueprint to build my dream home, how do I

Here's a note from Vince about how our support of Verve Church has helped them reach their 5th birthday full of impact

What does it really take to fix our finances?

Can you pass it?

Here's a few songs to keep you motivated to take next steps

The biggest problem why we flop with our finances and some insight and tools to help

If you like to read, here's a few good books for a new you in the new year.

Here's are few things to consider so your finances won't flop in the new year.

Here's our new feature song for the new series and the new year


When we make resolutions, it is often comparing ourselves to other standards or people. But we need to beware of the compare...

Here's a recap of the Love Can Christmas Project

Here's a recap of LOVE WEEK.

This week is Love Week. It's a great way to activate God's love in our lives as we look beyond ourselves

This whole LOVE CAN series has been all about opening our lives to God's love and activating His love in our lives. It's moving it from thoughts to actions. Here's 3 ways to activate God's love in the next week that will help you experience your best life

Get your free tickets to this special Christmas celebration.

Here's some initial information about your chance to go and make an impact in Kenya

Here's a couple quick thoughts and encouragement

Today is the first day of December. The countdown to Christmas has begun. He's someways to add some meaningful moments in this holiday season.

Here's a video explaining the LOVE CAN CHRISTMAS PROJECT

This past Sunday we revealed our annual Christmas Project with a twist. Here's the details:

New Series from November 16 - December 21

Here's a few thoughts about finding our purpose from

Here's some more resources to keep exploring our purpose

This past Sunday and this week, we are wrapping up our Explore God series. Here's some resources to keep exploring

Here's the quarterly financial update

This past Sunday we continued our Explore God series. Here's more resources to keep exploring

In our Explore God series, we are searching for some answers to get to know who God is and how we can be connected to Him. We have a bunch of tools and resources for you to explore more

Just a reminder to change your clocks

Happy Halloween from your Journey Staff Guys

We have two weeks left of the Explore God Series

Here are some more resources on our questions about pain and suffering.

Here's some more resources as we explore God and the questions from this series.

This past Sunday at the North on M120 site, we talked about some questions like How good is good enough? Where do I stand with God? What are the list of things to do to find God

Last year our biggest Network event was the yard ambush. We're bringing it back this year

In our Explore God series, we are searching for some answers to get to know who God is and how we can be connected to Him. We have a bunch of tools and resources for you to explore more

Here's some more resource to explore more about the Bible

Here's some resources to explore more about how Jesus is different than other religions.

Here's a few videos from explore to explore more this week.

How do we explore God?

Let's keep exploring God, here's some more resources.

We are two weeks into our 6 week series, so keep inviting

Cell-Phone Scavenger Hunt

We are in the middle of our Explore God series. You can explore more here.

Here's a few more videos from

Here's some resources to explore more from what was talked about on Sunday

Here's what's coming up for middle school and high school students

Everyone has questions. We all wonder.


Do you share excited stuff in your life? Food you eat, books you're reading, movies you watch?

If we want to experience Jesus

It's time to get in the game. So how do I get on the field?

We've been talking about letting God work in & through us

We made a special announcement this past Sunday

Here's how we helped over 300 local kids + assisting schools in our networks

Here's a glimpse at the new series coming in October

We had a great kickoff this Sunday at The Journey. Here's some highlights from the Tailgate Party

There are a bunch of opportunities kicking off this month

Fall Kickoff: This Sunday + a Tailgate Party

If you didn't get the Fall letter in the mail, check it out here.

Back Pack & School Supplies need to be dropped off by Sunday.

All through the month of August, we've been celebrating summer but also the maker of it all

Here's a few pictures from the great time celebrating summer and what God is doing in the hearts of lives of people at The Journey

We are very thankful & excited for a great month with the $10,000 challenge in July. Here's our chance for another $10K.

New Series

Summer is full of vacations, trips and fun. Bring The Journey with you...

All four Networks had a Cookout/Picnic this past Sunday. Here's a few pictures of all the fun:

Baptism at the Beach is coming back on August 24 at 6:00 pm with a Beach, Baptisms & Bonfire event.

Here's some insight into what the future holds at The Journey

This week: Network Cookouts. Thanks to all those who helped with Water Wars

At The Journey, we talk about relationships, not religion. We want you to have a real relationship with Jesus. The Give Me More questions can help make it personal

This Wednesday begins Unity Festival at Heritage Landing in downtown Muskegon. There is a free day this Wednesday

Our annual school supply drive to help kids along the lakeshore

Our family recently went to Disney. It was 3 years of saving and planning.

August is going to be a big party at The Journey. We have a new series that will be a big celebration and some fun family events to go alone with it.

Wrap up thoughts for the Chase the Light series

Here's a promo for Soul Detox

Let's help Ben & Esther make a difference in Kenya.

Not only are we trying to make an impact in West Michigan, be we also have some strategic partnerships to make a difference around our country & half way around the world

Here's an update we shared on Sunday

God wants to do something big in you but also THROUGH YOU. What can we do to experience God in this way?

Life is a team sport. We are designed to do life together. How can I have someone to help me through the challenges of life?

What can we do to take steps in our relationship with Jesus?

If you want to experience God's light, you have to shine the light

Here's a few videos, songs and stuff from this past Sunday:

This letter was sent out last week. Here's a copy if you didn't get it.

Who am I? Am I what I do? Am I what I've achieved? Am I the things I've done right? Or am I defined by what I've done wrong?

Have you ever felt burned by the church?

School is wrapping up. What's on your summer fun list?

Too many people pray like they are playing the lottery

How is your spiritual "pumpatude"? B90x can pump (clap) you up

It's flip flop season but what does that have to do with our church?

Vince Antonucci stopped by The Journey to introduce Splagna? So what is it?

We set some big goals for this year (fall 2013-summer 2014). Are you hitting those goals?

This Sunday there's a quick meeting for anyone interested in baptism

This is a little reminder for this Sunday so all you guys don't forget about Mother's Day.

Today is our national day of prayer

Great job by all our Networks in the past month. Impact & Fun!

For the next three weeks at church, you will be able to buy discounted tickets at the coffee bar for this great summer event

This past Sunday we kicked off 2 new series at The Journey. It's important to

We're going to try something different in this new series, Chase the Light, since we're going to be working through the book of 1 John in the Bible

Easter Sunday

We talked about the death of Jesus & the resurrection on Easter, but we didn't have time to go into investigation

One way to to take a risky step of faith is to take a chance and invite someone to join you at The Journey

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death

4 Ways to keep taking steps and not settling

Faith is risky and action oriented.

Here's the special songs from this past Sunday:

On this week leading up to Easter Sunday, take some time to reflect

Control is a strange cycle. We think if we can control the situation, we can have the freedom of our desired outcome. The problem is the more we try to control things

Summer will eventually come so get ready to have some fun & meaningful experiences

Read a story about living a good story

Here's your theme music for this week. May it play in your head as you imagine yourself walking in slow motion

This past Christmas you gave to bring hope to our kids, Kenya, Vegas and locally

Hope you didn't miss the JAAC's but if you did

At break of day, in hope we rise

Every March we have a big party to celebrate this past year, thank God for all He's done & to appreciate all the volunteers who make The Journey

What's your story? We all have a story. Maybe you let your story. Maybe not. In this new series, we'll be looking at how God can rewrite our stories so we can experience our best life.

Invest & Inviting is a core essential that will help YOU experience your best life. It will change who you are becoming

Here's a personal thank you from Vince

This past Christmas, you gave to bring hope locally, regionally & globally, Here's a few ways that funds are making a difference

I am sorry to inform you of some bad news

Following God isn't about acting moral or a PROCEDURE of good behavior. It's a new PERSPECTIVE found through faith.

There are some great resources to help you take steps in your marriage

We showed a few clips from this video at the Pontaluna Exit Site yesterday. Here's a few of the Seattle Seahawks

We want to build a foundation for your kids best life ahead

IF: keep it going

What steps did you take in 2013?

Seattle beat the 49ers to move on to the Superbowl...

Being propelled by the possibilities

We want to thank everyone who gave to the Hope Christmas Project this year. One of the 4 aspects of the project was about bring hope to our city.

Here's a post from Matt's blog about financial freedom

New January Series: IF

Here's a few "must see" Christmas moments

Here's a little sneak peak at our Christmas gatherings

Here's an update to the project and final details for how we are bring hope this holiday season

This is a special time of year and we hope you are experiencing the hope, peace, joy and light of this holiday season. Christmas is right around the corner so we are sending out this special letter. We have a few opportunities that can add some more meaning to your holiday season

Part of our Christmas Project this year is going to bring hope in Vegas

Attention Parents: Have you seen the new Bible App for Kids?

Part of our Hope Christmas project this year it going to kenya in two different ways

For unto us a child is born

Here's some short readings you can do each day leading up to Christmas

There are 4 ways we are bringing hope this Christmas

Here's something to think about before you bust the doors on black friday

We recently mailed out a fall newsletter. If you didn't see it

Here's part 1 of our annual Christmas project and how we are bring hope to Kenya

Sign up now and save $20

Do you want more insight & financial wisdom? Check out

Blessed Life as seen on Duck Dynasty

Finances can be very frustrating so here's some resources

Brent will be working at the North on M-120 site

If you walk in God's ways, you will always be in His will

There are three new Journey Night Classes coming in November

What on earth am I here for? Isn't there something more to life?

Halloween at The Journey North M120 site

Who are you and what are you living for?

Want to live a BLE$$ED LIFE?

Where do we look to find purpose?

We are praying every day at 10:10

This past Sunday, we talked about 10 steps to take in the next 10 years towards your best life

10 Things That Define The Journey, 10 Dreams for the Next 10 Years

Here's a post from Matt's blog from 10 years ago with the dream for The Journey

Dan & Cheryl shared their 10 year experience at The Journey this past Sunday. Here's a few other details of the journey...

You might have seen Darla's baptism and story last Sunday at church. If you want to see her whole story

This past Sunday, we rolled out a year's worth of classes to help you take next steps

This past Sunday we baptized 13 people in Lake Michigan. Here's a few pictures

This Sunday is the last day to bring in supplies for the back pack drive. Did you see what's going on at Community enCompass?

In the Summer Blockbuster series, we've been looking at flipping the script to live our best life. What's the script of your life? Are you living a good story? Would you watch a movie about

This Sunday is our end of summer baptisms in Lake Michigan

Bring in your back packs and school supplies this week to help kids in need

So we provide a fun, relevant, meaningful, safe environment for people no matter where they are with God. This series is a great one to invite someone...

It's that time of year again...our annual back pack school supply drive!

If you didn't get the summer newsletter...

There is a quick baptism meeting this Sunday at both sites