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This Sunday we will have a chance to sponsor kids through Compassion. Here's why

This Sunday is Compassion Sunday. Here's a sneak peak for Sunday & Paul's recent trip to Peru.

Give the gift of HOPE

Tomorrow is giving Tuesday. So let's bring hope!

A big thanks to everyone who helped impact our community.

You know that moment when you sit around the table as a family and say what you're thankful for?

Pocketful of Faith

Here's something important that might not be on your shopping list for Turkey Day

In our staff meeting, we asked this questions this week. Why?

Thanks to everyone who came out the the Network Yard Ambush this past weekend.

Paul isn't even in our hemisphere right now. He's on a Compassion tour.

Preview of Journey Teens

Do you find that thought bubble about your head saying things like "that would never happen when I was a kid!"?

What could you do in 2 hours?

We kicked off the series extraORDINARY Fatih this past Sunday with the life of Elisha

It's that time of year to begin our Hope Christmas Project

Here's a look at our new song for November

The new series that will help you experience your best life

We had a successful trunk or treat on Halloween