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On Sunday we talked about parenting with the end in mind. Paul & Jen share some of the failures and successes they’ve had on the parenting journey.

This past Sunday we talked about parenting with the end in mind. Here’s a list of practical helps for you to be the kind of parent you want to be.

a look back, a look ahead and an ask

Here's an update for our current situation and a special project to live generously.

We are in 21 Days of Prayer as a church leading up to Easter. Throughout this time we are praying for one specific group of people each day as it relates to the COVID19 crisis we are in. Today we are praying again for our community and anyone outside of a relationship with God.

We are in 21 Days of Prayer as a church leading up to Easter. Throughout this time we are praying for one specific group of people each day as it relates to the COVID19 crisis we are in. Today we are praying again for the vulnerable, the immune-compromised, the elderly. Anyone that is more susceptible to this virus or who this virus could cause more serious complications.

We are in 21 Days of Prayer as a church leading up to Easter. Throughout this time we are praying for one specific group of people each day as it relates to the COVID19 crisis we are in. Today we are praying for the Scientists and Researchers who are working to create treatments, vaccines and understand this pandemic.

We are in 21 Days of Prayer as a church leading up to Easter. Throughout this time we are praying for one specific group of people each day as it relates to the COVID19 crisis we are in. Today we are praying for our local, state and national leaders.

Today is Day 17 of 21 Days of Prayer leading up to Easter and specifically praying for one group of people each day as we walk through this global pandemic. Today we are praying for all those who have lost their jobs, are working fewer hours, or are insecure in continued or future employment.

We are in 21 Days of Prayer as a church leading up to Easter. Throughout this time we are praying for one specific group of people each day as it relates to the COVID19 crisis we are in. Today we are praying for our health care workers.

We are on Day 10 of our 21 Days of Prayer and today we are praying for our non-profit organizations and employees as they serve people during this difficult time.

Day 9 of 21 Days of Prayer. Today we're praying for our hourly essential workers.

We are on Day 7 of 21 Days of Prayer leading up to Easter and praying for one specific thing or group as it relates to the Coronavirus crisis. Today we're praying for our local churches and church leaders who are trying to care for our community during this time.

We are spending 21 Days of Prayer leading to Easter and praying for one specific thing each day related to the Coronavirus. Today we're praying for the 210 children The Journey sponsors in Peru and for families trapped in poverty around the world and dealing with this disease.

Day number 5 of 21 Days of Prayer. Today we are praying for all those who are the most vulnerable to the Coronavirus.

Today in our 21 Days of Prayer we are praying for all those who are struggling with fear, anxiety and stress.

Day 2 of our 21 Days of Prayer leading to Easter. Today we are praying for teachers and education staff in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

21 Days of Prayer starts Monday morning.

This is the best thing Jennifer and I have ever done for our marriage. It can revolutionize your relationship. Just one simple thing: pray together, out loud, every day.

The JAAC's are this Sunday and our fiscal year is coming to an end. Here's a quick update.

The Journey is heading to Santa Rosa, Peru this summer! Join us for the trip of a lifetime. Deadline is January 20!

On November 24 The Journey is beginning 30 Days of Prayer as we dream and plan for the next phases as a church. Take a day, pray, and let's see God do more than we ever thought possible. This is our way of declaring our need for Him.

Here's the big announcement from yesterday

A glimpse inside the Verve Church

REAL HUNGER Fasting is a struggle against the flesh and is emotionally and physically demanding; in this we discover what we really hunger. Today is Day 9 of the fast. We are praying for spiritual breakthroughs in your lives & with your habits.

To get the most out of our 21 Day Fast we need to spend time in prayer. It's all about connecting with Jesus and seeking Him during this time. Here's some things you can be praying during this time . . .

Today is the beginning of The Journey's 21 day fast as we look for a spiritual break-through in our lives. Today, we start our 21 days with developing a plan. Remember this is a process. A series of small steps will move us towards freedom and victory in our lives.

Hey Journeyers, as we get ready to head into summer we wanted to thank you for your generosity last Christmas through our Hope Christmas Project. We wanted to update you on the ways that your generosity is making a difference all around the world and helping people experience "relationships, not religion" far beyond our reach along the lakeshore.

Here's an update from The Journey's financial gifts given to our strategic partners at Christmas!

At The Journey, we’re all about relationships, not religion and what we’ve found is that being intentional about those steps makes all the difference. Periodically doing personal evaluation, making commitments, and joining others in that process helps us grow as individuals and as a spiritual family.

A generous donor has agreed to match any money that comes into The Journey in December, above and beyond our average monthly giving.

So, my credit card number got stolen again. It's the third time in the last year. I don't know if you've had someone try and steal your identity. I was talking with someone recently and they were sharing about all the things they needed to cancel and change and re-do because . . .

A couple summer's ago, we went with Jen's family to Virginia Beach for a few days. They had trained life guards on their tall white lifeguard stations every 100 yards or so. The beach was packed and the waves were strong. We were all hanging out on the beach when we heard the whistles blow. We watched the lifeguards jump off their station perch and go running toward the water . . .

When Jennifer and I were first married we lived in Washington state between the Cascade and Olympic Mountain ranges. It was AMAZINGLY beautiful . . . when it was sunny. We had an apartment that looked out over the Olympic mountain range. When the sun would set in the west behind the mountains they would seem to rise up majestically. We loved waking up and seeing new fallen snow on the largest peaks.

I played football in school, well . . . I tried out . . . in 8th grade. I was 4'10" and weighed approximately the amount of a really big pumpkin. I had my sights set on wide receiver. Out away from all the big linemen, catching the ball and running away from people with my speed. That was the plan, until my coach informed me that our team didn't have wide receivers so he would be putting me on the offensive line . . .

2000 years ago Jesus REVEALED a KEY to a blessed life and followed it up with an ASTOUNDING promise. Do you want a blessed life? Your best life? It won't happen unless you understand this key that Jesus revealed and embrace the astounding promise He made about it.

Stepping into adulthood should be a step into personal responsibility. The same is true in our relationship with God. We need to own it. We're responsible for the steps we take or don't take.

We all face situations and circumstances that seem impossible. What do we do when we feel stuck and there is no way forward? What do we do when my idea of the solution falls flat?

Any relationship needs time and communication. Summer changes the pace for us in some great ways. That change of pace can be really beneficial in our relationship with God as well, if we're willing to take the time.

The older, I mean, more mature I get, the more dependent I realize I am. That seems backwards doesn’t it? We think we’re dependent when we’re a kid but then we grow into independence and become my own person. That’s all true, but what I’ve also realized is. . .

You can't do it and you'll never be able to! Aren't you glad you stopped by? We live in a world where we're told that if we just try harder, work more, are more committed, we can accomplish anything. We tell our kids that. It's part of the DNA of being an American. It's at the heart of the American dream. And . . .

Are we more like a Pharisee or more like Jesus? Do we judge or extend grace? Here are 5 ways we can begin to see the masterpiece in others and extend God's grace to those around us . . .

Is your life messy? You're not alone. We all have messes in our lives. Today, we highlight 3 keys to not letting your mess, mess you up & they all center around what God thinks of us.

This Sunday we began a new series at The Journey called "Mess of Me". Some messes others cause, some are our own fault, and some we just seem to "step in". But what does God think of our mess? How does He see us?

Did they or didn't they? One of my favorite things about Easter Sunday is watching as people . . .

In our series "The Shadow" we're talking about how the shadow of Jesus is cast all throughout human history & even into our world today. To see the shadow we're looking back at some of the biggest stories of the Old Testament of the Bible. But are they more than just stories? Are they more than cute (or not so cute) fairy tales?

The Bible is filled with stories and accounts that are at times uncomfortable, and don't always seem to make sense to us, but they are a part of a bigger story about a big God and his big love for us. Which should at least make us ask the question "What if?"

Trusting God is hard. It's hard to trust someone that you can't see and to trust Him with things that seem so counter-cultural. But, trusting God is one of the main pathways to our "best life".

More is caught than taught. That doesn't always feel like it's good news. But what if it could be? Here's three reasons why it can be good news that more is caught than taught.

If you want to build your dream home, here's 5 Ways to pray for your children's or grand-children's future.

Some Assembly Required. I hate those 3 words. But here's 3 ways to make the process less painful.

You ready for it? One BIG idea to keep you from having a flop of a year in 2015

5 Secrets to making better decisions! Your daily decisions determine your destination, and these 5 secrets can help you win when you have "no will-power".

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and if you haven't heard, this is ‪Giving Tuesday‬

Here's a few more resources to keep exploring more about heaven and the afterlife

This past Sunday at the Pontaluna Exit Site, we talked about a big question: Why does God allow pain & suffering?

Inviting to church can be hard. We want everyone to experience their best life and find hope and healing in their life but what will they think if I invite? These cues can help you see who is seeking and give you an "in" on inviting.

Too often, we see a need and the vast scope of the need causes us to not do anything. The task is too large, the need too massive, the problem too universal.

In case you missed it, here's a video montage of our summer baptisms!

My birthday was two days ago. Which means that all of facebook knew it was my special day. I got well wishes from all over the United States and from all different seasons of my life. I was grateful for each one. In Proverbs 18:21 it says that "the tongue (our words) has the power of life or death". If

Each year The Journey gives to Verve Church in Vegas and their work along the Vegas Strip. Last year part of our gift went to making a mailer happen to let people know about Verve. Innocent enough. But here's part of what happened next . . .

Have you ever went on a detox diet? Strip away everything, clean out your system, start over. What if we did that in our lives, not just with our diet? If you're like me

On Mother's Day, Vince Antonucci from Verve Church in Vegas was at The Journey. Vince & Verve have been a strategic partner of ours since their beginning 4 years ago . . . Now it's going to whole new level.

Often times when people think about their relationship with God, they think about what they need to "do" so they can "be" the person God wants them to be. But too often it's about the next program, it's about following a set of spiritual disciplines that becomes more legalistic gymnastics than anything.

We had a GREAT day at The Journey yesterday for Easter! Did you know over one thousand people joined us for services?

One of our Strategic Partners - Verve Church in Vegas had an article about them in the Las Vegas Review.

So, let me take you back to the beginning. The Journey was birthed in our hearts as a dream to create a space where people could come and connect and take steps with Jesus no matter what their spiritual background was

When U of M doctors can't explain it, you know God is at work.

Matt Lewis and I (and our families and a small group of other Jesus-followers) started The Journey almost 10 years ago.

Julie and Adam started attending The Journey a number of years ago and they both worked as teachers in our public schools. Julie has her Master's Degree, and took a big pay cut to come join The Journey staff (kind of a theme around here).

Selena first came to The Journey because their son was asking questions about God and she and her husband, Greg, weren't really sure how to answer! I love that she has a very unique perspective on children's ministry...

Aaron is our youngest staff member. I don't know if he has an official title, but lets just call him our Worship Pastor. You might not know but Aaron used to tour in a band called Second Hand...

Matt & Stephani & Jennifer & I launched The Journey (a long with a small group of crazy Jesus-followers) 10 years ago. Matt left a very successful youth ministry. We both had a dream to create a church that was about relationships, not religion and where people who were disconnected with Jesus would experience life connected to Him....

Shanna Retzlaff, our Office Administrator extraordinaire. Before I get to what Shanna does at The Journey, let me give you a little backstory. Because Shanna is the exact reason we launched The Journey...