For the month of March we're in a series called "Influencer". It's all about what influences us in our life and how God needs to be the primary influencer if we want to experience our best life.
Social media influencers are everywhere and we're all influenced by someone or something. This Sunday we talked about God being the primary influencer and how one way that we can take a step to be "under God" is to make Him first. One step that we challenged everyone with, was to spend some time with God this week as the very first thing you do in the morning. Before you check social media, or the weather, or sports, or workout, or scroll through tik-tok, spend a few minutes with God.
To do that, we're providing a 7 Day Bible Reading Plan for you through the Bible App that can go along with our series. It's called Colossians in 7 & you can click on the link here to get started with Colossians in 7.
So, take a step to live more and more with God as the primary influence in our life & take the challenge this week to start your day with God. While you're at it, why not invite a few people to join you in reading through Colossians in 7?