What the heck is baptism? Do I have to do it? If I don't am I going to Hell?
We're having baptism meetings at The Journey this Sunday (and on May 31) at both of our locations for 10 minutes after the service. Breathe easy though - no matter who you are, you won't go to hell because you didn't get baptized! Phew, right? Your eternal destiny doesn't depend on whether or not you get baptized. So then what is it and why should I consider doing it?
Baptism is an outward expression of an inner change. It's going public with our faith. It's kind of like how we think of a wedding ring. You don't decide on the wedding day whether you love the person standing up with you. You decided that long before (hopefully). When two people exchange rings on a wedding day, the ring serves as an outward symbol of the commitment and love that's already happened on the inside. It also serves as a public symbol of your love and commitment. Baptism is kind of like that.
Baptism is for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus to be their Savior. They've asked Him to forgive their sins, embraced the grace He offers through what he did on the cross, and they are wanting to follow Him and His ways with their life. Baptism is their way of acknowledging that relationship before God and others. It is often an important marker is somone's spiritual journey.
Maybe that's your next step; a way for you to publicly let others know that you're following Jesus. It's not about religion, it's about this relationship with Him.
To find out more about baptism, check out this brochure which explains it in more detail.
Want to get baptized this summer at the beach? We'll be doing baptisms on Sunday, July 5 instead of having our normal services, and we'll also do baptisms on Sunday, August 23 in the evening.
If you're interested or just want more information, come check out the baptism meeting THIS Sunday or MAY 31 right after the Sunday service at both locations.
We are constantly talking about next steps. None of us have arrived. So, what's your next step when it comes to baptism?