Due to the weather, Journey Teens is cancelled tonight


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Our current series is about all of us encountering Christ together.  As we go through the book of Mark in the Bible, we're learning about people whose lives were changed because they encountered Jesus.  Take a look at the Bible Project Video for an overview of the book of Mark.

We hope you take steps each week to encounter Jesus. One of the best ways we can do that is to develop a habit of reading the Bible and praying. If you are already doing that regularly…great! Keep going! But if you don’t have that as part of the rhythm of life, set a goal to read the Bible and pray four times each week. Here are some steps you can take:

(1) Read through the whole book of Mark as we go through the series. You can start by reading just 2 chapters each week. As you read try asking the questions:
-What does it tell me about Jesus?
-What does it mean for me?

You can also go through the Bible App Reading Plan on the book of Mark


(2)  Praying can create a closer connection between you and Jesus.  Take time to pray at least 4 times per week.  You can pray about what you are reading in the Bible and asking Him to guide you.  You can also use the A.C.T.S. Prayer Guide to give you some direction.

Admire/Praise – Tell God what you admire about Him and praise Him
Confess – Confess your sin to God, ask for forgiveness and help to turn away from wrong paths
Thank – Thank God for specific things He has done and for His blessings in life
Share – Share your requests. God cares about all aspects of our life, so ask Him for help.