Sunday was Mother's Day and we had a great day at The Journey. We talked directly to mom's (and parents in general). Being a mom is hard and challenging. Rewarding, yes. Difficult, yes.
If God has placed children in your home, then no one will love them more than you will. But in the day to day it is incredibly challenging. If we're going to love our kids the way God wants us to, we need to parent with the end in mind. Our goal isn't just for our kids to "be happy". Happiness is temporary. Our goal is for them to be more like Jesus. When they are they can experience joy, peace, life, freedom, hope.
We talked about how one of the ways we love our kids is through discipline. But discipline isn't about punishment, it's about training. Helping them become all God wants them to be.
So, how do we do that? Especially in those hard days when they are driving us nuts? Here's a couple resources we mentioned Sunday that can be a real help when it comes to the practical nuts and bolts of raising our kids!
Here's the Podcast our Staff team listened to from Andy and Sandra Stanley, who talked about parenting with the end in mind and FOR the relationship. Check it out Here!
Their book can be found HERE!
We mentioned another book on Sunday, Kevin Lehman's books: Have a New Kid by Friday and Have a New Teenager by Friday. These are incredibly practical books that have tons of examples about what to do in specific situations. You can purchase them HERE!
You might also want to check out our Family Resource page on our website: https://www.thejourneycc.com//next-steps/family On that page there's another link to more books and resources.
Lastly, check out the Parent Cue app and resource that we use for Journey Kids. It's a great resource and help: https://www.thejourneycc.com//journey-kids-parent-resources