June 14, 2022
At The Journey these last two weeks, we’ve been in our Growing Rich series and we’ve been talking about shifting some things as we think about our finances, time, talents, and abilities. It’s really taking steps to trust God. He’s our Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Provides) as we’ve been singing about on Sundays.
That can bring about some fear in us. We like to be in control (at least I do), and it means we have to trust Him – that He knows our needs and can meet them.
At our Quarterline site this past Sunday, we talked about living generously and trusting God as the owner. If He’s the owner, it’s His to give and ours to manage. If we’ll manage it well, He’ll give you more to manage – more opportunity, responsibility, and blessing.
I think most of us WANT to be generous, but our fear gets in the way. Faith isn’t the absence of fear, it’s moving forward in the face of fear. What’s one step you can take this week to live generously with your time, abilities, and resources?
So, can I ask you something?
Financially, we’d love for you to consider The Journey in that generosity. Everything we do happens because of the faithful giving of The Journey family. We just started a new fiscal year on June 1 and to fully meet the budget & impact our community the way we believe God wants us to, means we have a gap of about $1,600 per/week to fill. Would you be willing to be part of filling that gap?
Maybe it’s giving for the first time, becoming a consistent giver, starting recurring giving, or increasing recurring giving. You can set up any one of those by going to the Donate page to give. If giving has become easy, or you don’t really notice it, it may be time to take another step of faith.
On our end, we’ll do everything we can to be good managers of what is given. We want to live open-handed as a church. And in case you didn’t know:
*Our leadership wants to lead the way, which is why we ask our staff to bring back at least 10% of their income back to The Journey.
*We use a bonded and insured company to handle our finances with integrity and professionalism.
*We have an open-books policy. Want to see something? Just ask.
*We model giving by trying to give more away to our global partners each year.
So, would you join us? We’re better together. My prayer is that during these financially challenging times you will experience God as your Jehovah-Jireh, your provider and it will grow you and your family’s faith and trust.