YAHOO for Summer 2022!
This summer Journey Kids is all about how God’s Spirit in us “Makes Waves” to change the world around us. Download this packet (Kindergarten & Under or 1st-5th Grade) to find ideas about how you can focus on your relationship with God this summer and “Make Waves” in the world all around you. Use the Wave Chart to keep track of your progress and earn some fun prizes anytime you see Miss Julie at The Journey this summer!
Mark off a wave on your “Wave Chart” anytime you:
- Complete an activity from this packet
- Practice your memory verse
- Go to church or an event at The Journey
- Watch or read the weekly Bible story
- Spend 10 minutes of quiet time with God
- Sing worship music for 10 minutes
Choose a Journey Network Campfire event to attend (June 23, 24 or 26), show us your Wave Chart and choose something from The Prize Pool! In July, choose a Journey Network Ice Cream Hangout to attend (July 14 or 17) and Miss Julie will have a fun prize & buy your ice cream!
I’m so excited for you to grow closer to God this summer! Feel free to email me pictures of the activities you complete or send me a fun message. I’ll be sure to write back as soon as I can!
Thanking God for His Spirit in us as it changes the world around us!
See you soon!
Miss Julie
Journey Kids Director