Your direction determines your destination. It's not about good intentions. Most of us have those, but they often haven't gotten us very far.
If it's true that your direction determines your destination, then what direction are you going in?
Even more importantly, what destination are you aiming for?
One of the things I've found in my life of trying to follow after Jesus (which I'm not that great at) is that it really helps me when I find some others who are going the same direction as I want to go. We need others on our spiritual journey. We weren't meant to do life alone.
One of our Core Essentials at The Journey is: Do Life Together.
It's part of the reason we have Network Teams. It's why we've started Running Partners (which aren't running groups by the way).
Who do you have that is moving in the same direction as you spiritually? With your destination in mind, you need some others who can walk this journey with you.
Yesterday our staff team got together for a day of praying and sharing, and training. One of the things we did was simply share what God had been teaching us lately. I was encouraged and challenged by the others on our staff team. This morning I was up at 5:10 and at breakfast at 6 am with 5 other guys who are Running Partners. We shared, laughed and talked about trying to walk with Jesus.
Who are you walking with on this spiritual journey? We all need people we can do life together with that are moving in the same direction as us.
Your direction determines your destination. And you'll stay more focused on your direction & destination when you Do Life Together. What's your next step? Want to connect with a Network Team? Check them out here. Want to check out Running Partners? We can help. Don't let it be just good intentions!