Do you set up a nativity set for Christmas? Well, you won't see Zechariah or his family in a nativity set, but their story is right alongside the Christmas story and it prepares the way for Jesus. We see in Luke 1 that God works wonders in Zechariah's life. Even though Elizabeth was unable to conceive a child and they were beyond child bearing years, God blessed them with a miracle child.

When we hear things like this, you might question if this is real. It's a natural reaction to have doubts. As the angel stood before him and told him the good news from God, Zechariah had doubts. So if he had doubts, I think it's not unreasonable for us to have questions. But if God is the creator of the heaven and the earth and if He created Adam and Eve from the dust of the earth, this wouldn't be a problem for God to open the womb of Elizabeth. I haven't seen an angel but I have seen tumors disappear, provisions for people in need, people have a child after all the medical means didn't work, and people transformed from destructive lifestyles. I feel like I have seen and experienced too much to not believe. 

Do you need a miracle? Maybe you need a job to provide for your family, a medical need resolved, a relationship healed, or peace from depression. Whatever you're struggle, God can work wonders. Let Zechariah's story be our example. Keep praying. Keep seeking God. Don't just try to handle it ourselves. Don't face the struggle alone. Make some room for faith and hope.

For more on this topic, view the first week of our series Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room.