As we kick 2020 to the curb, it would be easy to just move on to 2021, but I wanted to remind us of how God has still been at work and moving even in this past year, look ahead to 2021, and ask for your help. Each one of the things mentioned is directly related to the investment that Journeyers like you are making to the mission. I hope you’ll celebrate with me!
This year, in the middle of a pandemic:
*We’ve grown our impact and influence in this community through service to foster families, those with food insecurities, partnerships with local organizations, and more.
*We’ve given more away than ever before through our Benevolence fund and targeted giving to those in need.
*We saw 14 people take the step of baptism in a pandemic with 3 of those being people who were attending online only!
*We’ve met many new friends through Church Online and have continued to help kids, teens, and families take next steps virtually.
*Our Network Teams have continued to impact our communities through Yard Ambushes, First Responder care packages, care for Seniors, supporting our local schools.
As we head into 2021, our future plans may be fuzzy but our mission to this community is still crystal clear. We don’t know what 2021 will hold but we are praying that God will do more in and through us this year than ever before and that more and more in our community will be transformed by the love of Jesus as we spread kindness and share hope. We are hoping to renew our Spring Hill Day Camp in 2021, to begin plans for our next mission trip to Santa Rosa, Peru and the opportunity to meet our sponsored kids, and more. As we say often, we believe the best is yet to come and are praying 2021 will be a year of incredible growth and impact in your life, in this community, and in the life of The Journey
Thank you. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing through OUR church. Your giving to The Journey this year has made all the difference!
As we come into these last few hours of the year, I’m wondering if you’d be willing to make a final gift to the mission here this year? We rely on faithful giving from people like you, and your gift today will help impact our community in significant ways in 2021.
Or: text “Journey donate” to 77977.
Thank you for your generosity.
P.S. All gifts given, whether given online before the end of December 31st, or given at church by December 30th are 100% tax-deductible. Happy New Year!!