It is always hard to to try to explain to you all what is going on here since most of you have never been to RVA, Kenya, or anywhere in Africa. We do so many different things here every week...
Students hanging out at our house after dinner and playing with the boys.
Ben teaching school & coaching volleyball. He has a lot of guys trying out and volleyball will start right when the students get back from break to start third term.
Elijah helping the girls in the dorm with their dorm jobs while Mom is doing her weekly dorm cover.
Ian has been playing rugby after school this team and he really enjoys it!
Ben and Esther driving some RVA students down to the valley to run an Awana program with children at at orphanage and in the surrounding community.
Thank you to all who have been praying for our family, our community hospital, the drought and the national doctor’s strike! Esther is feeling much better, the nurses returned to work at the Kijabe hospital, we have had two good rains and will soon be into our rainy season. The national doctors are still striking so please continue to pray for that situation.