5 Ways to Pray for your children's (or grand-children's) future
February 11, 2015 Building Your Dream HomeIn our series Building Your Dream Home we've been talking about creating a vision for your families future.
There are no guarantees when it comes to our kids or grandkids. They all make their own choices. BUT, we do want to be as intentional as possible in helping them choose wisely and follow God and experience their best life. We want to build a legacy in our families.
Here's the good news: God loves your family even more than you do. So, one of the best things we can do for our kids and grandkids (or future kids/grandkids, or nieces & nephews), is to pray for them. But if you're like me, it's easy to get stuck praying quick prayers that God will bless them, protect them, keep them safe. What if there's a more impactful way to pray?
Here's 5 ways to pray for your families future generations that can have big impact.
1. PRAY THAT THEY WILL BECOME THE CHARACTERISTICS THAT ARE ON YOUR FAMILY VISION WORKSHEET. This has been revolutionary for my prayer life! Whatever characterisics and values you come up with, pray those things for your family. I now pray for my kids by name that they will "make the wise choice", that they will "be willing to do whatever God wants them to no matter what", that they will "live couragously", that they will "accept responsibility". What are you praying for your kids? To determine those values/characteristics for your family, check out the Family Vision Worksheet here!
2. PRAY FOR POTENTIAL SPOUSES. We've been praying for our kids spouses for years. Who knows if they'll even get married. But, if they do, what a joy to know that we've been praying for her for years. Praying for her to follow Jesus, for her heart, for her protection, for her purity, for her pursuit of God's mission. I look forward to the day when one of our sons gets married and we can tell their bride that we have been praying for her for over 20 years.
3. PRAY THAT THEY WILL FOLLOW JESUS AND WALK IN HIS WAYS. Our best life is found in relationship with Jesus. We were made to be connected to Him. Why would we not want that for our kids and grandkids, nieces and nephews? Pray that they would decide to follow Him and live His ways. It's the pathway to our very best life & what we were made to do.
4. PRAY FOR THEIR PROTECTION. We don't JUST pray for their safety and protection. But we still DO pray for it. But, not just protection or safety from being injured. Pray for the protection of their heart, their purity, their foolish choices. Pray that they will be protected from outside influences that can harm them.
5. PRAY FOR A SPIRIT OF COURAGE, RISK AND BIG DREAM. Pray that they would attack the life that God wants for them with abandon. That they would not live in fear, that they would not play it safe, but that they would leave a legacy of impact.
When we focus on what really matters, it should begin to change how we pray. Pray with intentionality for future generations in your family and one day there will be a host of family members that will look back through the years to you & thank God for your faithfulness!