Today is Day 16 of 21 Days of Prayer and we are praying for all of our health care workers today. They are living out their calling to care for others and we are praying for their strength, for them to live like Jesus, and for the health of their families and for them. Let a health care worker know that you are praying for them today.
Dear Heavenly Father, we commit our health care workers to you today. We know many are tired, many are spending little time with their families or even quarantined from them. We know there is concern over having enough supplies and protective equipment. We know this puts a strain on the other areas of the hospital. God, we pray that you would give them grace. Grace to handle challenging situations, anxious co-workers and patients. God, protect them and their families - especially those who have vulnerable family members. God, we ask you to grant them wisdom, strength, and peace. We commit them to you, we are grateful for them & ask your blessing to be on them, in the name of Jesus, Amen.