It's day 4 of our 21 Day Spiritual Fast. Remember, it's all about connecting more deeply with Jesus, not just "giving up something". But, for many of us, there are things that we know we need to course correct, and that can be almost impossible on our own.
WHERE WE'VE BEEN: So far, you've developed a plan, you've had the opportunity to resource yourself, maybe even starting a Bible reading plan at and you have started to intentionally think about how to pray during these 21 days - for you, for others, for the church.
Today - we want to encourage you with a verse. Psalm 119:11 which says "I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you." If we're going to develop new habits to find victory over the old ones, one of the best ways is to learn what God says about our habit or addiction and about us.
SO . . . Here's a couple steps for you today.
1. if you haven't already - do a Google search for "Bible verses about . . . (whatever your problem area is/or about connecting more with Jesus).
2. Pray and ask God to speak to you about the verses you read.
3. Write down 1 or 2 of those verses and put them somewhere you will see them everyday.
4. Try memorizing one of them. Hide God's Word in your heart, that you might not sin against Him.
We are praying for you on this journey and praying for a spiritual breakthrough in your life!