It's day 3! You've begun to develop a plan, you've looked at some resources, and hopefully begun spending some focused time with God. Remember it's not just getting rid of something, it's replacing it with something (actually, Someone) better. One of the key ways we do that is through prayer.
But, I'm not a big "prayer" person. Prayer, doesn't have to be just for the spiritually elite, and there are no magic words. It's simply talking with God. One suggestion I read about years ago was to set a chair by you & picture Jesus sitting in the chair. What do you want to say to Him? Talk like you would with a friend. God is listening - He's all about the relationship.
During this 21 Spiritual Fast, it can help us focus on intentionally spending more time with God. Remember, you can't do this alone. We need Him. Talk to Him about your struggles, your hopes & dreams, your frustrations. Seek His help and strength. Here's a guide for these 21 days w/some ways you can pray for a breakthrough.
Don't forget: t's all about the relationship!
1. Pray when you feel an urge for the thing you are fasting from. Renew your mind in that moment.
2. Have a set time to connect with God. On your way to school or work, when you first get up, after dinner. Pick a time that works for you.
3. Make the goal just connecting your heart to God's, not having a magical moment or "aha" moment.
a. For yourself – Ask God to speak to you, and to do what He says; pray for healing from your addiction; pray for God to show you where you have unhealthy patterns; consistently acknowledge your need for God & others to help you break your habits; pray for a renewed mind, and God’s help in fighting temptations. Ask God for a spiritual breakthrough in your life.
b. For others at The Journey – Ask God to help others at The Journey who are on this journey to break their addictions and find victory and freedom; pray for people who may be struggling right then in the moment you are praying; pray for people to spend time getting to know Jesus
c. For The Journey – That we would always be a place for “the rest of us”; for the All In initiative – including the land, facilities, etc. ; for those who are being invited; for our staff & families and the addictions they are trying to break.