We are beginning this year with 21 days of focus on God for 2021. Make the most of these 21 days by building consistency and a healthy dependency on Jesus.
Participate with the Daily Focus. Have a set time/place to spend with God. Set a reminder on your phone a few times throughout the day to keep your prayer focus. Memorize a Verse/Theme Verse for this year. Journal your thoughts and prayers.
Prayer is one of the ways that God made for us to connect with Him and know Him. We can't experience our best life apart from Him, so we need to spend time in prayer. In today's video and Bible passage, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray. It wasn't a meaningless ritual or repetition, rather he gave them a pattern for how to pray that we will explore over the next five days.
God is personal and powerful
I will spend time connecting with God in prayer
Luke 11:2
Luke 11:1-4
Matthew 6:5-15
Heavenly Father, I praise you. You are holy and mighty and awesome and you want to be connected to me! Thank you. Help me to develop a pattern and rhythm to praying and connecting with you in this way. Thank you that you are both personal and powerful. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Today take some time and journal, write a list, or even just say out loud as many characteristics of God as you can think of (awesome, all powerful, loving, etc.). Take time to really think & then use that as a way to pray and thank God for all that He is. It will put you in the right position to pray and lean on Him.