Part of our Hope Christmas Project in 2015 was to help support the start of some new churches in Northern India. We recently spoke with the director of the mission we supported there to get an update. And there is great news to share with you! We sent $2500 to support the salary and expenses for one year so a pastor could begin sharing about Jesus in some very remote mountainous areas. It is a very poor area with very little infructure. The people there are pretty much left fend for themselves. Through the efforts of this mission that we supported, churches are being started in that region of Northern India. It's a dark, difficult place on earth. However, through that initial effort, about 70 churches have started! They are smaller churches that mostly meet in homes of about 30-40 people each but are reaching a total of about 2500-3000. Most of these people have never heard about Jesus before and have begun to experience relationship not religion in their own language in their own community! We are amazed at how God is working in that region and we look forward to more opportunties ahead! Thanks again Journeyers for your generosity!