Each week we provide questions & next steps connected to Sunday's message. It's a resource for the Running Partner Mini-Groups but it's also a great tool to review key thoughts, for personal next steps, or to discuss as a family. You can find them for each site online on the current series page.
Baptism is a great next step if you've begun a relationship with Jesus. It's an outward experience of an inner change. We're looking at doing baptisms at church at the end of April as part of the "My Story" series. If you are considering this step, please attend this meeting. It will be a 10 minute meeting right after each service. You can learn more details in the Baptism Brochure.
My Story Series Next Month: This is always a favorite series as we hear about how God is working in us and through us. If you would be willing to share your story, please fill out a form at the Next Steps Center or online. It can be a few sentence write up, an interview or part of a video.
Connection Nights are a casual get-together to connect with others in our Networks where we can take next steps with God. Check out the dates below for your network & join us!
Connection Nights and Event coming up:
Fruitport Network:
Sun., March 26, Connection Night at Buffalo Wild Wings (side party room) 6:30-7:45 pm.
North Network:
Sat., March 25, Demolition and Build Day at Reeths-Puffer Intermediate, 11 am- 1 pm.
Sun., March 26, Connection Night at 750 Grill. 6:30-7:45 pm.
Norton Shores Network:
Sun., March 26, Connection Night at The Coffee Factory. 6:30-7:45 pm.
Tri-Cities Network:
Wed, March 29, Connection Night at Village Baker. 6:30-7:45 pm.