Share God's story at home
Look below to find everything you need to share God's story with your child at home this week.
You can also find additional family resources on the Parent Resources page as well as updates & encouragement throughout the week on the "Journey Kids Parents" Facebook page.
Our younger kids are focused in on faith this month with a fun theme of "I Spy". Watch this week's Bible story video then use the prompts in the At Home Guide to spark conversation and fun.
Most weeks preschool kids can join us each Wednesday night for JOURNEY KIDS LIVE on Facebook at 6:30PM. There is NO Journey Kids Live on July 1st. We will resume on July 8th.
1st-5th grade kids are also learning about faith this month. Watch this week's Bible story video together then use the prompts in the At Home Guide to spark conversation and fun.
Join in the fun online with "Miss Your Face Mondays" and "Wacky Wednesday". Check your email and the Journey Kids Parents page on Facebook for more details.