2015 has begun. It's a new year and maybe you've decided to take some next steps with God this year. The good news is that there's always a second chance with God. Maybe you're trying to experience your best life in relationships, not religion in 2015. So what steps could you take to get going in the new year?
1) Personal time with God: Here's a few ideas to help spend time with God during the week.
- Spend time reading the Bible and praying. Here's some helpful information.
- Pick up a Starting Line Pack at church. It has some resources like a One Minute Bible for Starters. It's a great place to start (thus the name... Starting Line Pack).
- Check out the Bible Reading Plans on Bible.com. You can even have them emailed to you or just use their Bible App on your phone. You can set alarms or notifications to remind yourself. There's also a variety of plans to read with different topics and number of days.
- Use the Running Partner Questions for personal reflection. Each week we put together a resource to follow up the message from church on Sunday. You can find them on either site page by click the links at the top of the page.
2) Put it into Practice: We over a variety of opportunities at church designed to help you take your next step.
- Check out the options like Volunteering, Networks or Running Partners.
- It's really about who you're becoming. We have our Core Essentials that we want to define our lives and our church. Each Core Essential has a pack with resources, ideas, tools, Bible readings and questions to help you take your next step.
3) Build Consistency: Establishing some ongoing disciplined steps can help make our resolutions a reality. Make a commitment to be a church on a regular basis. It helps keep our focus and encourage to continue to move in the right direction. Whatever your next step is with God, have set times or even put it in your calendar to ensure you make time for what's important.
We can't keep doing the same things and expect different results. Let's focus on what we CAN do because small seeds can grow into something big.
What's your step for this week, this month, this year?