This last year we’ve seen all sorts of stories of life change. We had more people baptized than ever before. We’ve seen people taking real significant steps in their marriages, families, personal lives, and relationship with Jesus as they are making Jesus the Center and letting him affect all of their lives. At The Journey, we’re all about relationships, not religion and what we’ve found is that being intentional about those steps makes all the difference.
Periodically doing personal evaluation, making commitments, and joining others in that process helps us grow as individuals and as a spiritual family. So, we decided to enact Partnership this year. Partnership is a way for Journeyers to commit to being a part of the mission and the vision, and for The Journey to know who they can count on in accomplishing what God has called us to as a church. Each year at the JAAC’s, we’ll give people the opportunity to “re-up” on playing their part over the coming year. Partnership isn’t about voting rights or being in or out. It’s your opportunity to say “I’m in on the mission and vision here at The Journey and want to play my part”. No one will be treated differently if they are a partner or not. It’s not about money, and there is nothing on our Partnership document about giving. We see Partnership as a commitment between you and God and your spiritual family. We also hope that Partnership might spur you on to your next step. To be a fully engaged partner in a church it means following Jesus, publicly identifying with Him (which we do through baptism). It also means a commitment to taking steps to live out the core essentials and help us do that together. Lastly, it means being in agreement with The Journey’s mission, vision, and core beliefs. Maybe you haven’t done all of that yet and maybe this will be the encouragement to take some of those steps. Our desire is that each of us will continue to take steps in our relationship with Jesus, and with each other as we live out this common mission that we talked about in our Me to We series.
If you’re interested in being a partner at The Journey fill out this form and drop it in the connect card box at church.