This post is copied from Paul's blog. For more information, check it out at
Aaron is our youngest staff member. I don't know if he has an official title, but lets just call him our Worship Pastor. You might not know but Aaron used to tour in a band called Second Hand. You might also not know that Aaron's dad was a Pastor and Aaron never saw himself being on staff at a church. Before coming to The Journey Aaron was working for a company doing grapics work for them.
Aaron started out working 10 hours a week for The Journey, but as we looked to go to two sites and changing up some of our roles the Lead Team made the decision to bring Aaron on full-time. Aaron is married to Katie (who used to be in my youth group way back in the day). Aaron is also a health-nut. If you consider Coke, spicy nacho doritoes, and pizza health food.
Aaron works on helping create a great experience on Sunday's, but also volunteers his time to lead a Journey Group, and serve in the Norton Shores Network. When it comes to Aaron's job, he has direct oversight over all the band members and teams at both locations, including preparing the music, scheduling the teams, and spending time connecting and helping those in the band take next steps with Jesus. Beyond that, he leads the Worship most Sunday's at one of our locations.
Aaron has also taken over almost all of our print pieces, banners, and graphics, and is doing a good portion of our video editing, as well as shooting more and more video. Everything from our Journey Sheets, Network cards, Sunday graphics on screens, series banners, year end booklets, etc. are things that Aaron works on. Aaron also works to make sure that our website is up-to-date, messages are on line, etc. He also is often being enlisted by other staff to help develop pieces for their specific ministries.
Aaron's personality and being an artist gives him a great eye and specific design tastes, but I love that Aaron cares most about the vision of The Journey and is always willing to put purpose over preference. Aaron also brings a younger perspective to our team (don't let his receding hair line fool you - he's only 26. - sorry Aaron).
So, if you get the chance, tell Aaron thanks or just tell him how awesome the series banner looks, or stand in the front row at The Journey sing out loud and tell him to "Rock On!"