This past Sunday we revealed our annual Christmas Project with a twist. Every year we do something to make a difference globally, regionally and locally with our project. This year is no different. Here's the basics of the project:
GLOBALLY: House of Hope Home in Kenya
This year we are looking to provide them with a Pick-up for Produce. Joel would use this truck to pick up free produce donated to the orphans at the House of Hope from local farms. It would also be used to transport kids and supplies to the House of Hope.
REGIONALLY: Verve Church in Vegas
We are partnering with Verve Church in the new venture called Splagna. It means guts. Do we have the guts to bring God's light to some of the darkest places? We are looking to see churches in places like the Red Light District in Amsterdam & Bourbon St. in New Orleans. This year we're giving towards the first church in this new partnership.
LOCALLY: West MIchigan Lakeshore
This years twist is about investing in our community with a Love Can movement. We asking everyone to join the movement by doing random acts of kindness. Here's more details about this and the booklet we distributed with ideas and information.
For the whole picture of this series and this project, watch the message from Sunday.