We have been talking about how LOVE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING. But we have to move love from thoughts to action. I heard something similiar recently from Steven Furtick. Here's some thoughts from him:


We focused on the promise of power from Ephesians 1:17-23....

The tragic truth of our time is that countless Christians are living without strength when their God is full of power...

Every Christian believes God is powerful. But not every Christian understands that God’s power is not just an abstract proposition. It’s a tangible, practical reality that you have to seize and appropriate to your life.

In other words, God’s power isn’t an automatic trump card.
It’s possible for God to have all the power but for you to live in total weakness.

Think of it like this:
God is still all-powerful when you’re continuing to live in slavery to sin.
God is still all-powerful when you’re letting yourself be a victim of your circumstances.
God is still all-powerful when you’re living a life of mediocrity.
God is still all-powerful when you’re living as if He isn’t.

God already has all the power He’ll ever need to do everything He’ll ever want to do. In the world and in your life. But God’s power is only potential until you convert it into strength by faith and action...



God's LOVE CAN change everything for you but we need to be open to God's love. We looked at Romans 5:5 yesterday and how God's love can fill our hearts so we can have a complete life with hope in any circumstance. So if His love can fill our hearts, here's the question:

Is your heart's focus someplace else?
Are you hoping the power of money will change everything?
Are you hoping the power of others approval or acceptance will change things?
Are you hoping a significant other will change things?
Are you hoping the power of success or having more stuff will change everything?

All those things might change something, but only God's love can change everything and lead us towards our best life. We can't have divided hearts and find hope. Make Jesus the center of every aspect of your life. Grow in your consisency with Him (more here). Activate His love in your life (more here). Don't just know the potential; experience how the power of God's LOVE CAN change everything in your life.

