Increase Web

All through October, we have been praying for God to increase the impact in and through our lives and our church. We have been dreaming and praying about the next phase of our church. If you missed any of this series, you can review it here.

We want to continue the mission with what we are already doing and look to add even more ways to share hope and spread kindness. We are looking at sponsoring Luke as he serves with Campus Life, provide food trucks for local people in need, send mailers to invite people to explore God, send teens to church camp, update our kids wing and more. 

We finished October with a Commitment Sunday to Increase the Impact. Thanks to everyone who made commitments. Thank you for giving to the mission of our church and the Increase the Impact Giving Project. If you have yet to make a commitment, there is still time. You can do it right on the website on the Give page. We are excited and full of anticipation for this next phase of our church as we continue to share hope and add more ways to impact our community and world. 

To fulfill your commitment, you can give at church with cash or check, through Venmo (@journeychurch-westmi), or on the Give page of our website. 

If you normally give online or have a regular recurring giving schedule, we are asking you to make a switch to a new giving platform. We are switching to Church Center because it will save us significant money and fees. There are directions on the Give Page to walk you through this process. We would like to transition all our giving by the end of November. If you need assistance with this process, you can contact our office at

Thanks again for your commitment, and let’s continue to ask God to increase His impact in and through our lives and our church.