Are you ready for some football? That's usually an emphatic "YES!" or an emphatic "WHO CARES!". The Yes people have been impatiently waiting to cheer on the Spartans, the Wolverines, the Irish in college, or root wildly for the Packers, the Bears or the Lions (we have a support group for those in that camp!). The "Who cares" people, well, don't really care. They look at the "yes" people like they have lost their minds. Maybe we have.
I love football season. I love the team competition. I love a whole group of people moving in the same direction. I played football in school, well . . . I tried out . . . in 8th grade. I was 4'10" and weighed approximately the amount of a really big pumpkin. I had my sights set on wide receiver. Out away from all the big linemen, catching the ball and running away from people with my speed. That was the plan, until my coach informed me that our team didn't have wide receivers so he would be putting me on the offensive line. I told him THAT was offensive and I quickly made my way over to the cross country team.
At The Journey fall means our Network teams are kicking back into gear. Network teams are a great place to take your next steps. They are designed to make a difference in the community, connect with others, and take next steps in relationship with Jesus. It's a great place to meet others, make a difference, and be around some people who are moving in the same direction as you.
Lets be honest. It's easier to not jump in and be a part of a team. No pressure. No one expecting anything of you. But it's not better. We were meant to do life together & one of the primary ways we accomplish that at The Journey is through our Network Teams.
Want to know more about Networks and what makes them tick? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!
Want to find out more about a Network in your community or to jump in to a Network. Check out the Fruitport Network, the Tri-Cities Network, the North Network, or the Norton Shores Network. If we don't have one in your area, just jump into whichever one works for you until we do.
Let's each take steps this year to make a difference in the lives of others and to do life with others. We were meant to be part of a team!