Today is Day 21 of 21 Days of Prayer!! And, today is Easter Sunday! The event of Easter - the resurrection of Jesus is the defining event in human history and in the Christian faith. The resurrection gives us hope - even in a crisis.
Today we are praying that our community, our friends, family, co-workers would know God's love and grace for them. That they would experience the hope and life that Jesus offers. This is the ultimate healing that we all need. As a follower of Jesus, you should always be an optimist, because Jesus has won the victory & one day everything will be made right and one day there will be no pain, no pandemics, no death.
Heavenly Father, on this Easter Sunday we celebrate your love for us, displayed in the death of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection. Death does not have the final say! May our friends, family, community experience this incredible hope! Help us to be people who share hope. God, may even in this pandemic, may you use the situations we face to turn people's hearts toward you. God, help us to be people who live the message of Easter each day. Help us to love those around us well. Help us to display hope & be ready to share the reason for the hope we have. Thank you, God, for Sunday morning, for Easter, for an empty tomb, a risen Jesus and the hope that all of that brings. In Jesus' name, Amen.