Resource Family

Parenting isn't easy. I think every parent feels like a failure at some point. As we begin this new year, we try to make changes or resolutions. Often those changes take time and lots of effort. Well, here's 3 things you can do today to be a better parent. 

1) Be Present - Put down your phone. Make eye contact. Listen. Play together. Be together.
2) Ask Questions - Even if they don't respond right away, ask them about their day, their friends, what are their dreams, or something weird they saw someone eat in the lunch room. Try making dinner around the table a time to connect. Maybe ask everyone to share a hi/lo for the day. Maybe start with some "would you rather" questions to help create conversations. 
3) Pray with your kids. Don't just pray for them. Pray with them. Pray about them and yourself. Pray God's dreams over them. Pray your thoughts about them. Pray at bedtime or in the morning.

There are many steps we can take and I'm sure we all need to improve in other ways, but these are a few easy steps we can all do with no extra skill to invest in our kids. We can even do them today.

Next month we'll have a whole series on family relationships and a parenting class. There's a video below about the class and you can find all the details here: